Tagged: violence

‘Libya: intelligence chief killed in eastern region,’ al-Arabiya (Saudi Arabia), 8 May 2014

Libya’s chief of intelligence was assassinated in the city of Benghazi today. The city, located in Eastern Libya, has been the site of multiple assassinations regular stand-offs between armed extremists, including Ansar al-Sharia, and the army, in the past three years. Continue reading

‘Violent confrontations in Laayoune and Morocco considers UN report biased towards Polisario,’ Al-Quds Al-Arabi (London), 16 April 2014

Protesters and security forces clashed in the Western Saharan capital of Laayoune following peaceful protests by supporters of the Polisario Front who were calling for self-determination and the expansion of the UN mission in the disputed territory. This comes at a time when Morocco has been moving towards  oil extraction in the Atlantic off the coast of Western Sahara, and the UN seems to be moving to monitor human rights abuses through MINURSO. Continue reading

‘Morocco warns community of Ukrainian public places,’ Hespress (Morocco), 3 March 2014

The Moroccan embassy in Kiev has warned Moroccan citizens in Ukraine to exercise caution and limit their movements during this period of unrest. About 3000 Moroccan students are attending university in Kiev, but no injuries to Moroccan citizens have been reported. Continue reading

Egypt: Police disperse Islamist demonstrators and arrest dozens, Al-Quds (London), 6 December 2013

In the wake of a new law passed that bans protests without prior permission from Egypt’s interior ministry, dozens of demonstrators have been arrested in Cairo and other parts of the country. Demonstrations have continued in support of deposed Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Morsi, following his July 3rd ouster by the Egyptian military.

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Start of preparations for national dialogue in Libya, Al-Jazeera (Qatar), 3 November 2013

Following the overthrow of Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi through a popular revolution in 2011, Libya has found itself in a state of turmoil due to the power vacuum and power held by militias. Activists and members of civil society are preparing a meeting for national dialogue and reconciliation to try to bring stability to Libya.

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Demonstrators storm General National Congress hall in Tripoli, Al-Ghad (Jordan), 18 November 2013

Demonstrators protested in front of the Libyan General National Congress on Sunday, calling for the removal of armed militias from the capital. This weekend saw dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries in violent clashes between militias.

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‘People wounded by occupiers bullets in the north of the Gaza Strip’, al-Quds (Palestine), 30 August 2013

اصابة شاب برصاص الاحتلال شمال قطاع غزة

أغسطس 30 2013 – 19:13

Israeli tank on Gaza border [Source: al-Quds.com]

Israeli tank on Gaza border [Source: al-Quds.com]

غزة ـ  دوت كوم – أصيب شاب من قطاع غزة برصاصة في قدمه ، مساء اليوم الجمعة، جراء استهدافه من قبل قوات الاحتلال المتمركزة شرق بلدة جباليا شمال قطاع غزة.

وقالت مصادر أمنية لـ  دوت كوم، أن الشاب أصيب بجروح متوسطة في القدم اليمنى شرق منطقة أبو صفية شرق جباليا، مشيرة الى أنه تم نقله الى مستشفى كمال عدوان في بلدة بيت لاهيا لتلقي العلاج.



Youth wounded by occupiers bullets in the north of the Gaza Strip

Gaza – (al-Quds dot com) Youth wounded in Gaza by bullets in Fadma, on Thursday evening, due to being targeted by Occupying forces stationed east of the town Jabalia in the north of the Gaza Strip.

Sources in security said to al-Quds dot com, that the youth wounded was moderately wounded in the right foot in the eastern area Abu Safia east of Jabalia. He pointed to that he was moved to Kamal Adwan hospital in the town Bayt Lahia to receive treatment.

Translated by Robert Forster

Dead and Wounded by Car Bomb explosion in Suburbs (Beirut), an-Nahar (Lebanon), 15th August 2013

قتلى وجرحى في انفجار سيارة مفخخة في الضاحية

Car Bomb in South Beirut, Source: an-Nahar

Car Bomb in South Beirut, Source: an-Nahar

15 آب 2013 الساعة 18:26

وقع انفجار ثان في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت بعد 40 يوماً على وقوع انفجار بئر العبد. وقالت قناة المنار التابعة لـ”حزب الله” ان الانفجار الذي وقع في منطقة تقع بين رويس وبئر العبد، ناجم عن انفجار سيارة مفخخة.

وقال أمين عام الصليب الأحمر اللبناني جورج كتاني أن هناك 30 مصاباً وصلوا الى مستشفيي الساحل والرسول الأعظم، مؤكداً وجود 3 قتلى حتى الساعة. وفرض “حزب الله” طوقاً أمنياً في موقع الانفجار حيث تجمهر حشد كبير من المواطنين، وشوهد عدد كبير من السيارات التي تحترق فيما تصاعدت سحب دخان كثيف من المكان.

وطلب وزير الصحة العامة في حكومة تصريف الأعمال علي حسن خليل، “من جميع مستشفيات بيروت وضواحيها، فتح ابواب مستشفياتها أمام مصابي التفجير الارهابي في الضاحية، وتقديم أقصى العناية الطبية لهم”.



Dead and Wounded by Car Bomb explosion in Suburbs (Beirut)an-Nahar

15th August 2013, 18:26PM (GMT+3)

A second explosion in the Southern Suburbs of Beirut occurred 40 days after the explosion that happened in Bir al-Abed. al-Manar, a station affiliated with Hezbollah, said that the explosion that occurred in the area located between Royce and Bir al-Abed was caused by a car bomb explosion.

The General Secretary of the Lebanese Red Cross, George Katani, said that there are 30 injured that have come to the hospitals al-Sahel and al-Rusuul al-A’athum, and confirmed there are 3 dead until now. Hezbollah imposed a security cordon in the area of the explosion while a big civilian mob massed, and a large number of cars were seen burning sending thick smoke billowing from the area.

The Public Health Minister requested the care-taker government of Ali Hassan Khalil to ensure “all hospitals in Beirut and it’s suburbs open their doors to the victims of the terrorist bombing and provide them with the maximum of medical care.”

Translated by Robert Forster

‘Al-Sisi quick to direct the repair and rebuilding of damaged churches at expense of the military’, Al-Masri al-Youm (Egypt), 15th August 2013

السيسي يوجه بسرعة ترميم وإعادة بناء الكنائس المتضررة على نفقة الجيش

source: al-masri al-youm

source: al-masri al-youm

الخميس 15 أغسطس 2013 15:14

وجه القائد العام للقوات المسلحة وزير الدفاع والإنتاج الحربي، الفريق أول عبدالفتاح السيسي، الهيئة الهندسية بسرعة إعادة بناء وترميم جميع الكنائس التي تم الاعتداء عليها خلال أحداث، الأربعاء، على نفقة القوات المسلحة.

واعتدى أنصار الرئيس المعزول محمد مرسي على كنائس وممتلكات الأقباط في عدد من المحافظات، من بينها المنيا، سوهاج، الفيوم، أسيوط، السويس، بعد ساعات من بدء قوات الأمن إجراءات فض اعتصامي ميداني رابعة والنهضة بالقوة، وهو ما اعتبره  سياسيون ورجال دين «عقابا للأقباط على مشاركتهم في ثورة 30 يونيو».

ورصدت غرفة العمليات المركزية لاتحاد شباب ماسبيرو اعتداء أنصار المعزول وجماعة الإخوان المسلمين على حوالى 20 كنيسة بالمحافظات، وتمكنهم من حرق 17 كنيسة بالفعل، بالإضافة إلى عدد من المنازل والمحال التجارية المملوكة لمواطنين أقباط، وأعلن مصدر كنسي تشديد الإجراءات الأمنية حول الكاتدرائية المرقسية بالعباسية، موضحا أن الكاتدرائية أغلقت أبوابها، ولا تسمح لأي أحد بالدخول أو الخروج منها.




Al-Sisi quick to direct the repair and rebuilding of damaged churches at expense of the Military

Thursday 15th August 2013, 15:14pm

The general leader of the armed forces, the Minister of Defence and War Production, Al-Farouk Awal Abd al-Fatah al-Sisi, directed the Authority of Engineers to quickly rebuild and perform repairs on a group of churches that were assaulted during the events of al-Raba’a, at the expense of the armed forces.

Followers of the ousted president Mohammed Morsi assaulted churches and the property of Copts in a number of provinces, amongst them Minya, Sohag, Fayoum, Assuit and  Suez, hours after the start of actions by security forces to disengaged the pickets of al-Raba’a and an-Nahda Square, and politicians and religious leaders consider them “punishment towards Copts for their participation in July 30.”

The Central Operations Room for the Maspero Youth Movement spotted assault by followers of the ousted Muslim Brotherhood on about 20 churches in the provinces and the 17 church burnings already. In addition to a number of houses and shops owned by civilian Copts. Sources from the church announced the tightening of security measures around the Abbasia Episcopate Cathedral, explaining that the Cathedral closed it’s doors and is not allowing any one to enter or leave the premises.

Police Lieutenant colonel killed in attack on Checkpoint in Sinai, al-Jumhuria (Yemen), 12th July 2013

 مقتل ضابط شرطة برتبة مقدم في هجوم لمسلحين على نقطة تفتيش في سيناء

الجمعة 12 يوليو-تموز 2013 الساعة 01 مساءً / الجمهورية نت

Egyptian Soldiers

هاجم مسلحون بقذائف صاروخية نقطة تفتيش في سيناء مما اسفر عن مقتل ضابط شرطة مصري برتبة مقدم.

واوضح مسؤولون امنيون وطبيون مساء الخميس ان المسلحين استهدفوا بقذائفهم المضادة للدروع عربة مصفحة للشرطة كانت عند الحاجز، مما اسفر عن مقتل مقدم في الشرطة واصابة شرطي بجروح. وبحسب مصدر امني فان مسلحين هاجموا ايضا الخميس مركزا للشرطة في مدينة العريش.

وكثف المسلحون هجماتهم على قوات الجيش والشرطة المصرية منذ عزل الجيش الرئيس محمد مرسي في الثالث من تموز/يوليو الجاري.



Police Lieutenant colonel killed in attack on Checkpoint in Sinai

Friday, 12th July – 1PM, 2013 – The Republic Net

Armed men attacked a checkpoint in the Sinai with rocket propelled grenades resulting in the death of an Egyptian police officer with the rank of Lieutenant colonel.

National security officials reported on Thursday evening that the armed men targeted their anti-armour missiles at an armoured police vehicle at the checkpoint killing the officer and wounding another policeman. Security sources also reported that armed men also attacked a police station in al A’rish.

Armed men have intensified attacks on army and police forces since the army ousted the President Mohammed Morsi on the 3rd July.

Translated by Robert Forster