Tagged: Europe

‘Red Crescent fully prepared to carry out its humanitarian duty to displaced Africans,’ Annahar (Algeria), 26 May 2014

Algeria is prepared to carry out its humanitarian duty to African refugees in its territory, according to the head of the Algerian Red Crescent, who also criticized European policies in dealing with refugees. Continue reading

‘Spanish journal: Of Maghreb counties, Morocco exerting the greatest effort toward political and economic modernization,’ Menara (Morocco), 14 May 2014

The European Union considers Morocco to be an important partner, with many trade agreements in place between the two. Although economic relations have been somewhat strained as of late (due to Morocco’s hesitancy in re-opening its waters to European fishermen, and the EU’s reluctance to grant Moroccan produce preferential tariffs), Morocco is still viewed as the North African country moving towards political and economic modernization at the fastest pace. Continue reading

‘Libya warns Europe about death boats,’ Al-Bayane Al-Youm (Morocco), 12 May 2014

Libya’s Interior Minister has warned the European Union that if assistance is not provided to help deal with the influx of sub-Saharan asylum seekers, Libya will “facilitate” their crossing into Europe. Thousands of asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants have died making the crossing from North Africa to Europe in so-called “death boats.” Continue reading

‘EU praises Mauritania’s efforts to combat terrorism,’ Essirage (Mauritania), 8 May 2014

European Union and Mauritanian officials met on Tuesday to discuss renewing the fishing agreement and expanding relations. During the meeting, EU officials praised Mauritanian efforts to create stability in the lead-up to presidential elections. Continue reading

‘Maghreb and European states exchange lists of Jihadists,’ Hespress (Morocco), 5 May 2014

Western European and North African countries have begun to regularly exchange intelligence related to “jihadist” fighters making their way to Syria. Continue reading

‘Morocco warns community of Ukrainian public places,’ Hespress (Morocco), 3 March 2014

The Moroccan embassy in Kiev has warned Moroccan citizens in Ukraine to exercise caution and limit their movements during this period of unrest. About 3000 Moroccan students are attending university in Kiev, but no injuries to Moroccan citizens have been reported. Continue reading

Latin America…absolute support for the Saharawi cause, Echorouk (Algeria), 15 November 2013

In its struggle for self-determination and independence from Morocco, the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic in Western Sahara is finding support from Latin American countries, who see their shared history of European colonialism as reason to mobilize for the Saharawi people and their cause.

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