Tagged: Tripoli

‘Libyan government’s statement on Tripoli International Airport hostilities,’ 13 July 2014

The office of Libyan Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni released the following statement after militias battled for control of the Tripoli International Airport today.

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‘Libya warns Europe about death boats,’ Al-Bayane Al-Youm (Morocco), 12 May 2014

Libya’s Interior Minister has warned the European Union that if assistance is not provided to help deal with the influx of sub-Saharan asylum seekers, Libya will “facilitate” their crossing into Europe. Thousands of asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants have died making the crossing from North Africa to Europe in so-called “death boats.” Continue reading

‘Morocco and Libya sign cooperation agreement on maritime transportation and ports,’ Maroc.ma (Morocco), 24 April 2014

Morocco and Libya signed a maritime transportation and ports cooperation agreement on Thursday in Rabat with the intention of strengthening cooperation and coordination between the two North African countries. Both sides expect the agreement to lead to others in the future, and hope that it can serve as a model of regional integration among Arab states. Continue reading

‘Morocco decides to refuse entrance visas to Libyan citizens,’ Shorouk News (Egypt), 7 February 2014

As of midnight on Sunday, Moroccan will no longer issue entrance visas to Libyan citizens. Reasons for this policy change were not provided.

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‘The masked men who threatened ‘al-Mustaqbal’ yesterday due to its political policies’, al-Hadath (Lebanon), 23rd January 2014

17957201411414The Syrian Civil war has increased tensions in Lebanon and no more so than in the coastal city of Tripoli where the Sunni-Shi’a division has threatened the stability of the city. In the midst of this, a Sunni group in Tripoli threatened to burn down the offices of the ruling political party ‘al-Mustaqbal’ due to their policies in Tripoli.

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‘Libya: Trial of members of Gaddafi regime postponed until February,’ CNN Arabic (UAE), 8 January 2014

The trial of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s prime minister and other loyalists has been postponed until next month following a request by the defence team to adjourn the case. The three defendants are facing charges of corruption, murder, repression of unarmed demonstrators, and more.

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‘Lebanese army maintaining security in Tripoli for 6 months after wave of sectarian violence’, BBC Arabic (London), 3 December 2013

Tripoli is one of the cities that suffers most from the repercussions of the conflict in Syria

Following sectarian clashes in Tripoli, Lebanon, the Lebanese army has planned to maintain security in the city for the next six months.

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Allocation of Proposed Seats in Libya Specifying Regional, Womens and Minority Seats, al-Aju’a li-Bilad (Libya), 19th December 2013

untitledMap of proposed seats for constitutional draft body in Libya with special seats for women and minorities. Continue reading

Start of preparations for national dialogue in Libya, Al-Jazeera (Qatar), 3 November 2013

Following the overthrow of Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi through a popular revolution in 2011, Libya has found itself in a state of turmoil due to the power vacuum and power held by militias. Activists and members of civil society are preparing a meeting for national dialogue and reconciliation to try to bring stability to Libya.

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Increase in fatalities in Tripoli clashes in Libya to 31 People Dead and 285 Wounded’, al-Mokhtsar (KSA), 16th November 2013

Tripoli, Libya: When protestors reached the headquarters of the Tripoli-based militia, the al-Nsour Battalion, militia members open fire on the crowd spurring armed clashes between those loyal to the official security service and the militias and conflict in the city.



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