Tagged: united nations

UN ratifies resolution to support a series of Sahara negotiations, Hespress (Morocco), 5 December 2014

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) ratified today, without a vote, on a resolution on the issue of the Moroccan Sahara. The resolution had been ratified last October by the Fourth Committee as the UNGA renewed the UN’s support for the a search to a negotiated political solution to the issue based on the standards of negotiations the UN Security Council (UNSC) set in 2007.UN ratifies resolution to support a series of Sahara negotiations

This resolution confirmed that the UNGA “supports the series of negotiations which began in accordance with Resolutions 1754 (2007), supported by Resolutions 1783 (2007), 1813 (2008), 1871 (2009), 1920 (2010), 1979 (2011), 2044 (2012), 2099 (2013) and 2152 (2014), issued by the UNSC in order to reach a political solution that is just, lasting and acceptable to all parties.” It also acknowledged the efforts made in this regard.

In particular, the resolution calls for countries of the region to fully cooperate with the efforts undertaken under the supervision of the UN and with each other in order to reach an acceptable political solution by all of the parties to the regional conflict over the Sahara.

The resolution also called on the parties to continue to show the political will and to operate in an atmosphere of dialogue in order to enter with good faith and without preconditions into a phase of even more intensive negotiations, taking into account the efforts made and developments that have occurred since 2006 in order to ensure the implementation of the aforementioned UNSC resolutions.

The UNGA supported the UNSC’s approach since ratifying Resolution 1754 (2007), in reference to Morocco’s provision of its autonomy initiative in the Sahara, which has garnered praise from the executive body and the entire international community as a serious and credible initiative to finally settle the regional conflict over the Sahara.

Through its support for the UNSC resolutions, including Resolution 2152 (April 2014), the UNGA has adopted the fixed norms determined by the UNSC to reach a final solution to this issue, which the resolution describes as a “disagreement.”

A number of observers confirmed that by ratifying this new resolution, the UNGA has joined the UNSC in its call for other parties, which remain in a locked in a rigged and extremist position, to express the necessary political will to contribute to reaching a consensual political solution under UN auspices.

Translated by Kevin Moore.

Access original article here.

Emir of Qatar: “Don’t make the people choose between terrorism and tyranny”, Al Jazeera (Qatar), 24 September 2014

The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thanni called for not forcing the people to choose between “terrorism” and “tyranny,” and demanded that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to distance itself from “selective policy” and to pass a decision under Article 7 of the UN Charter forcing Israel to stop its occupation since 1967 of the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad  Al ThanniIn his speech to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Wednesday, Sheikh Tamim acknowledged that “the takfiri interpretations employed by terrorism is an affront to religion” and stressed that it is Arab society that is most afflicted by it. He said that in order for these societies to stand against it, discrimination and deprivation must not be practiced against them.

The Emir of Qatar demanded serious action to put an end to the bloodshed in Syria, and formed that he had previously warned that not supporting the revolution in this country would push Syrians to defend themselves through force of arms.

He said that the Syrian people are living between the jaws of the Syrian regime and terrorism; between the threat of the Syrian regime’s terrorism and the acts of genocide it has undertaken against the Syrian people and the threat of terrorist forces that have exploited the state of misery that these people are going through.

He stressed that the first danger (the Syrian regime) contributed to the second (terrorist forces), and called on the international community to support the Syrian people against the Syrian regime and terrorism.

On the Iraq portfolio, the Emir of Qatar called on the international community to stand firmly with this country against terrorism and to help it out of its ordeal. He also called for all spectrums of Iraqi society to participate in the political process without exclusion or the practice of any discrimination against any segment of society.

Palestinian portfolio
Sheikh Tamim acknowledged that international peace and security in the world will not be achieved without dialogue relying on equality and international law, pointing out that the Middle East region is going through an extremely dangerous stage, especially after the most recent war against the Palestinian people

He described the latest Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip as crimes against humanity, stressing that the arrogance of power will not conquer the Palestinian people’s resistance.

He confirmed that the legacy of this aggression and unjust blockade necessitates that the international community forces Israel to implement international resolutions.

The Emir of Qatar also called on the international community to support Libya to overcome the ordeal it is going through by respecting the will of the Libyan people and meeting their aspirations.

He urged Libyans to achieve comprehensive reconciliation including all political sides and to enter into a national dialogue to reach an agreement preserving the interests of all.
The Emir of Qatar also lauded the Tunisian experience and said that it bodes will due to Tunisians’ insistence on the success of the experience, despite conspiracies against it.

As for the Yemen portfolio, Sheikh Tamim said that a successful experiment was conducted in this country under UN supervision, but it appears that there are forces that have become entwined with it in an attempt to make it fail. Some of them yearn for the previous regime and oppose any changes, and among them are those would would prefer sectarian war over good governance.

He acknowledged that the use of violence is sectarian or factional logic and constitutes a threat to the country and called upon the UN to implement its resolutions on the national dialogue, rebuilding the Yemeni army and dismantling armed militias.

Translated by Kevin Moore.

Original article available here.

‘Morocco rejects its comparison with any other country that doesn’t respect human rights,’ Middle East Online (London), 14 May 2014

Morocco’s official government spokesman has denied Amnesty International’s recent accusations of torture in the kingdom, stating that a previous UN report proved that torture is not practiced and actually praised the country for its commitment to protecting and advancing a culture of human rights. Continue reading

‘Morocco remains silent after questions from British newspaper “The Guardian”,’ Al-Mustaqbal As-Sahrawi (Sahrawi Refugee Camps – Algeria), 28 April 2014

An article published by The Guardian on Sunday discussed a push for British tourists to boycott Morocco over human rights abuses in the Western Sahara. The newspaper approached Moroccan authorities for comment, but received no response. Continue reading

‘Asad’s regime transports various weapons to Hezbollah’s strongholds in Lebanon’, al-Moslim.net, 20th April 2014

Al- Asad aims to open a strategic road in hopes of getting various weapons to Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon according to opposition sources.



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‘Violent confrontations in Laayoune and Morocco considers UN report biased towards Polisario,’ Al-Quds Al-Arabi (London), 16 April 2014

Protesters and security forces clashed in the Western Saharan capital of Laayoune following peaceful protests by supporters of the Polisario Front who were calling for self-determination and the expansion of the UN mission in the disputed territory. This comes at a time when Morocco has been moving towards  oil extraction in the Atlantic off the coast of Western Sahara, and the UN seems to be moving to monitor human rights abuses through MINURSO. Continue reading

‘Syrian Chemical Weapons: Damascus has handed over 80% of its supply’, BBC Arabic (London), 19th April, 2014

Sigird Kaag, the president for the Organisation to Remove Chemical Weapons in Syria, has stated that the Syrian government has given up 80% of its stockpile of chemical weapons.

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‘World News – 28/03/2014 – Mid Day News,’ MTV Lebanon

See video transcription and translation below. Continue reading

‘Protesters injured in gunfire with police in Darfur,’ al-Hayat (Saudi Arabia), 17 February 2014

SudanAt least two protesters were injured in a camp for internally displaced persons on the outskirts of the capital city of Central Darfur, Zalingei, when police opened fire on a demonstration. Continue reading

‘French petrol company “Total” renews its licence to prospect for oil in Western Sahara,’ an-Nahar (Lebanon), 7 February 2014

Morocco has renewed French petrol company Total’s licence to prospect for oil off the coast of Moroccan-controlled Western Sahara. Morocco annexed the territory following Spain’s withdrawal in 1975. A UN-brokered ceasefire was reached between Morocco and the Polisario Front, on the condition that a referendum about self-determination be held. No referendum has been held to this day, and supporters of Sahrawi self-determination say that Morocco is strengthening its control over the region by granting oil contracts. The Polisario Front considers the licences granted to French Total and American Kosmos to prospect for oil illegal. Continue reading