Tagged: cairo

‘Sisi will visit Algeria,’ El Bilad (Algeria), 17 June 2014

An Algerian diplomat expects that newly elected Egyptian president Abdel Fatah al-Sisi will visit Algeria in the near future because of its regional and international importance. Sisi was elected at the end of May after orchestrating the overthrow of Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Morsi in July 2013 and has initiated a “war on terrorism” targeting Islamist groups in the country. Sisi caused a stir earlier this year when he stated that the Egyptian army could invade Algeria in three days. The comment sparked confusion in Algeria. Continue reading

‘Opinion: Religion and Politics by Mohammed Salmawy,’ al-Masri al-Youm (Egypt), 23rd April 2014

A notable German scholar recently said to me: “after the fall of the Brothers from power you talk a lot these days about the need to separate religion from the state; however the reality is that Islamism will continue to be one of the realities of political life in the Arab region whether the rule of the brotherhood had fallen or not.


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‘Delegations from Fatah and Hamas arrive in Gaza for participation in national dialogue’ BBC Arabic (London), 21st April 2014

The leader of the Movement of Islamic Resistance (Hamas), Mousa Abu Marzouq arrived this Monday morning in the Gaza Strip via the Rafah crossing from Cairo to participate in the national dialogue with the Fatah movement whose delegation will arrive later today.


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‘Al-Masry Al-Youm hosts Tunisian rapper “El Général,” one of the prisoners of Ben Ali’s regime,’ Al-Masry Al-Youm (Egypt), 21 January 2012

In an outdated article, Al-Masry Al-Youm sets the scene for Tunisian rapper El Général to visit Cairo for a screening of their new documentary film and a visit to Tahrir Square, one year after the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions Continue reading

‘Launch of new development projects … Armed forces develop first system in the world to detect and treat Hepatitis C and AIDS viruses,’ al-Ahram (Egypt), 22 February 2014

Egypt’s al-Ahram newspaper reports that the Egyptian government and armed forces are not only solving issues of traffic jams in Greater Cairo with their latest development projects, but have also developed a system to detect and treat people with AIDS and Hepatitis C, without so much as even taking a blood sample. Apparently, members of the Egyptian armed forces have discovered a scientific breakthrough to eradicate both the AIDS and Hepatitis C viruses cheaper, faster, and with a higher rate of success than ever seen before. Hmm…

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‘Egyptian ensemble in concert at the Institute of Arabic Music theatre,’ el-Wady News (Egypt), 21 February 2014

The International Centre for Music will host a concert on Saturday, February 22 at 7:00 pm at the Institute of Arabic Music theatre for the Egyptian modern music ensemble. Continue reading

“Russian reports: America plans to create Egyptian civil war” al-Bayan (Lebanon), 31/01/14

Russian media websites have revealed a secret United States report including a plan involving President Barack Obama to infiltrate the Egyptian Army and cause a civil war, eventually leading to the toppling of Field Marshal Abdel Fatah Sisi from power. Continue reading

‘Sisi in Russia today at the head of a high-level military delegation to complete largest arms deal,’ al-Ahram (Egypt), 12 February 2014

Egyptian Defence Minister (and, by all accounts, future Egyptian president), Field Marshal Abdel Fatah Sisi left Cairo this morning on his way to Russia where he and Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy will meet with their Russian counterparts. The meeting comes as a continuation of 2+2 cooperation talks which began in Cairo three months ago. Sisi is expected to announce the details of Egypt’s largest arms deal in an upcoming press conference. The deal will see Egypt receiving the latest planes, helicopters and air defence system. Continue reading

‘Security sources to “al-Shorouk”: Some Squares will be Closed Including Tahrir in Anticipation of Protests by Brotherhood Supporters’, al-Shorouk (Egypt), 11th January 2014

Egypt continues it’s crackdown and enforcement of the anti-protest law, which was signed into legislation in November, as the Brotherhood and other groups battle to maintain ‘a public space’ under al-Sisi.

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‘U.S. plan to promote civil war in Egypt before 2015’, al-Masri al-Youm (Egypt), 31st January 2014

Couldn’t find the Emirati quote spoken about, but conspiracy theories are rife in the Middle East. Different theories remain as to the reason why; (1) cultural self-importance, (2) pathological reasons and,  (3) what I think is most likely, a political history of conspiracy including US-backed coups, superpower proxy-wars, dodgy funding, the rapid making and breaking of alliances as well as  some ridiculous assassinations over the years, all coming together to lower the barrier for potential conspiracy. However, that doesn’t mean it is necessarily true.

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