Tagged: demonstration

‘Eyewitnesses recount last moments of slain youth to Al-Akhbar,’ Al-Akhbar (Mauritania), 3 March 2014

A Mauritanian youth was killed in the capital of Nouackchott on Monday as police broke up a protest against a reported Qur’an desecration. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered, demanding punishments for the perpetrator, and police used tear gas to disperse the protesters, with one being struck in the chest and killed. Continue reading

‘Protesters injured in gunfire with police in Darfur,’ al-Hayat (Saudi Arabia), 17 February 2014

SudanAt least two protesters were injured in a camp for internally displaced persons on the outskirts of the capital city of Central Darfur, Zalingei, when police opened fire on a demonstration. Continue reading

‘Gaza – Mass demonstration rejects negotiations and Kerry’s plan,’ Ma’an (Palestine), 7 February 2014

Thousands of Palestinians demonstrated in the Gaza Strip today, answering a call by Islamic Jihad and Hamas to reject the current negotiations with Israel, as well as US Secretary of State John Kerry’s current peace plan. Hamas and Islamic Jihad do not recognized Israel’s right to exist, and as such does not believe in negotiating with the enemy.

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‘Karak sit-in: Kerry’s plan is to liquidate the Palestinian Cause,’ al-Ghad (Jordan), 31 January 2014

The Karak Governorate of Jordan witnessed a demonstration today in which protesters demanded reform and called US Secretary of State John Kerry’s Middle East Peace Plan an attempt to liquidate the Palestinian cause at the expense of Jordanians and Palestinians.

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‘In pictures: Hundreds of young men and women march in “Free Peoples” movement in Talaat Harb Square,’ al-Ahram (Egypt), 22 January 2014

Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Talaat Harb Square in downtown Cairo on Wednesday night, to express their negative feelings towards both the Muslim Brotherhood and the current regime.

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Morsi supporters in Fayoum organize a march to protest “demonstration law,” Al-Masry Al-Youm (Egypt), 25 November 2013

Supporters of deposed Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi organized a demonstration in the city of Fayoum on Monday to protest new law in Egypt banning protests without prior police notification. Continue reading

Demonstrators storm General National Congress hall in Tripoli, Al-Ghad (Jordan), 18 November 2013

Demonstrators protested in front of the Libyan General National Congress on Sunday, calling for the removal of armed militias from the capital. This weekend saw dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries in violent clashes between militias.

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