Tagged: human rights

ISIS issues several new resolutions regarding education and women going out in public, Raqqa is being slaughtered silently (Syria), 19 October 2014

  1. Women are not permitted to go out except while wearing dira’ (an extra dress, similar to a shield, on top of the niqab and Islamic dress).
  2. Private courses are not permitted except in institutes. There is a 500 lira fine (instead of the previous 50 liras) for those in contravention.
  3. Any teacher instructing female students in a private course will face the death penalty.

Translated by Kevin Moore.

Original post available on Facebook.

‘Red Crescent fully prepared to carry out its humanitarian duty to displaced Africans,’ Annahar (Algeria), 26 May 2014

Algeria is prepared to carry out its humanitarian duty to African refugees in its territory, according to the head of the Algerian Red Crescent, who also criticized European policies in dealing with refugees. Continue reading

‘Morocco rejects its comparison with any other country that doesn’t respect human rights,’ Middle East Online (London), 14 May 2014

Morocco’s official government spokesman has denied Amnesty International’s recent accusations of torture in the kingdom, stating that a previous UN report proved that torture is not practiced and actually praised the country for its commitment to protecting and advancing a culture of human rights. Continue reading

‘Morocco remains silent after questions from British newspaper “The Guardian”,’ Al-Mustaqbal As-Sahrawi (Sahrawi Refugee Camps – Algeria), 28 April 2014

An article published by The Guardian on Sunday discussed a push for British tourists to boycott Morocco over human rights abuses in the Western Sahara. The newspaper approached Moroccan authorities for comment, but received no response. Continue reading

‘Opponents of Polisario in Tindouf release first announcement confirming that they will fight for freedom and dignity,’ Ya Biladi (Morocco), 9 April 2014

A new group calling itself the “Youth of Change” movement has appeared in the Tindouf camps for Sahrawi refugees in southwestern Algeria. The group has released its first statement vowing to fight for freedom and dignity in the face of corruption and exploitation by the Polisario Front. Continue reading

‘Report: 72% of incidents of racism in Israel against Arabs,’ Ma’an News Agency (Palestine), 20 March 2014

The 2014 Racism Report has been released, documenting cases of racism in Israel over the past 12 months. The report revealed that 72% of all documented cases of racism in the country are direct against Arabs. This marks an 18% increase from the year prior, and while the total number of instances decreased from the 2013 report, Nidal Othman, from the Coalition Against Racism in Israel that publishes the report, is concerned that instances of racism are becoming more difficult to detect because of their changing nature (ie. over social networking websites). Continue reading

‘Official Moroccan report speaks of “improvement” in press freedom, unlike international reports,’ Elaph (London), 3 March 2014

Contrary to multiple international reports documenting Moroccan deficiencies with regards to press freedom, a new government report says that Morocco is seeing progress in freedom of expression. Continue reading

‘Human rights activists: irregular migrants don’t trust Morocco,’ Hespress (Morocco), 14 February 2014

The Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH) claims that Morocco has intensified its campaign to crack down on African migrants attempting to enter the autonomous Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla in northern Morocco. A statement released by the human rights group condemns Moroccan and Spanish security’s practices of violence, abuse and humiliation against irregular migrants and asylum seekers. Continue reading

‘Saudi Arabia requests emergency United Nations session on Syria,’ al-Arabiya (Saudi Arabia), 9 February 2014

Saudi Arabia’s permanent mission to the United Nations has requested an emergency session to be held in order to listen to reports from a number heads of UN departments and international organizations on the situation in Syria. Continue reading

‘Canadian Foreign Ministry: What has been achieved in Yemen is a historical accomplishment,’ al-Thawra News (Yemen), 31 January 2014

Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird recently congratulated Yemen on the success of its National Dialogue Conference. Baird considered the conference a historical achievement, paving the way for freedom, democracy, human rights and the Rule of Law in Yemen. The Foreign Minister also confirmed that Canada will continue to support Yemen during this period of political transition.

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