Tagged: Bashar al-Assad

Islamic Front decides not to fight ISIS in north Aleppo, Aksalser (Syria), 5 October 2014

Islamic Front decides not to fight ISIS in north AleppoThe Islamic Front, one of the biggest armed opposition factions against the regime, has taken the decision to not fight the terrorist group “ISIS” in northern areas of the Aleppo governorate.

On Sunday, Abu Mustafa – a foreign relations officer in the Islamic Front – said “ISIS has opportunistically occupied the areas liberated by Syrian oppositions forces and for this reason, on 25 August we began attacks against the organisation under the name Battle of Nahrwan al-Shamm,” according to the Anadolu News Agency.

Abu Mustafa explained that the Islamic Front continued its fight against the organisation, but without any direct clashes with it due to the intensity of attacks by international coalition forces led by the United States, as well as attacks by the Syrian regime. He indicated that the coalition forces targeted positions of the Islamic Front and that they took the decision to not fight ISIS because of the regime forces’ intensification, along with attacks by Hezbollah in the Aleppo countryside.

Abut Mustafa said that the Islamic Front’s fighting against ISIS will continue lightly until the organisation accepts a ceasefire indicating that its forces will will protect their positions and remain on high alert, guarding the territory it controls.

Translated by Kevin Moore.

Original article available here.

‘Al-Assad warns that terrorism will spread to countries “supporting and developing” it,’ El Watan (Egypt), 18 June 2014

While meeting with a North Korean delegation in Damascus, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad warned the West and Arab Gulf monarchies that their support for “terrorist groups” in the ongoing Syrian conflict will bring terrorism to their countries. Continue reading

‘Battle near the Golan, Israel announces Military Zone’, al-Sharq al-Awsat (UK), 12th May 2014

Israel closes the border and announces a military zone after clashes break out between the forces of Bashar al Assad and the Syrian Opposition

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‘Number of Moroccans in Syria surpasses 8,000 fighters,’ Al-Massae (Morocco), 12 May 2014

A new report suggests that there could be over 8,000 Moroccans fighting in Syria against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Previous reports suggested a number between 1,000 and 1,500 Moroccans were in Syria, mainly fighting in a unit called “Sham al-Islam,” led by former Guantanamo Bay prisoner and Moroccan national Ibrahim Benchekroun. Continue reading

‘Syrian crisis: Implementation of Homs truce delayed for logistical reasons,’ BBC Arabic (London), 6 May 2014

Reports out of Syria say that the implementation of a truce and the exit of fighters from the Old City of Homs has been delayed. Continue reading

‘Syrian Chemical Weapons: Damascus has handed over 80% of its supply’, BBC Arabic (London), 19th April, 2014

Sigird Kaag, the president for the Organisation to Remove Chemical Weapons in Syria, has stated that the Syrian government has given up 80% of its stockpile of chemical weapons.

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‘330 barrel bombs dropped on Darayya over a span of 50 days,’ Al-Jazeera (Qatar), 29 March 2014


See video transcription and translation below. Continue reading

‘World Federation of Trade Unions condemns American aggression against Syria,’ Tishreen (Syria), 21 February 2014

The World Federation of Trade Unions has reconfirmed its solidarity with the Syrian people to shape their own present and future, Syrian state media outlet “Tishreen” reports. Sticking to the usual line, foreign intervention (led by the US and a number of European states, as well as Israel and Gulf States) in Syrian affairs has been condemned. Continue reading

Video: European Christians fighting in Syria in “protection of their faith”, BBC Arabic 19/02/14

This video from BBC Arabic shows training camps in Syria for Christians, some of whom have come from Europe, to fight in the civil war.

أوروبيون مسيحيون يقاتلون في سوريا حماية لأبناء دينهم

كل في سوريا يشن حربه المقدسة، ولم يعد هذا حصرا على الجهاديين. شبان مسيحيون أروبيون يخرجون من بلدانهم للانضمام لمجموعات كهذه.

“سوتورو”، مجموعة مسلحة مسيحية تقاتل في محافظة الحسكة شمال شرقي سوريا، مع بعض الفصائل الكردية ضد مسلحي القاعدة.

مركز الدراسات السويسري اجنفور، أعطى بي بي سي حق استخدام هذه الصور.

وقد التقيت رئيس المركز ليشرح لي عن وضع المسيحيين هناك.

تقرير مراد بطل الشيشاني.



Video: European Christians fighting in Syria in “protection of their faith”

Of all the groups who are waging a Holy war in Syria, the Jihadists no longer have a monopoly. European Christian youth are leaving their countries and joining these groups.

“Sotoro” is an armed Christian group fighting in al-Hasakah province in the north-east of Syria alongside armed Kurdish groups against al-Qaeda militants.

The Swiss Centre for Studies gave the BBC the right to use these images.

The BBC met with the head of the centre to discuss the situation of the Christians in Syria.

Report from Mourad Batal al-Shayshani.

Translated by Hamish  Kinnear. Full article available here

‘Saudi Arabia requests emergency United Nations session on Syria,’ al-Arabiya (Saudi Arabia), 9 February 2014

Saudi Arabia’s permanent mission to the United Nations has requested an emergency session to be held in order to listen to reports from a number heads of UN departments and international organizations on the situation in Syria. Continue reading