Tagged: Aleppo

‘Jabhat al-Nusra announces its withdrawal from Sharia Council,’ Aleppo Media Centre (Syria), 8 July 2014

Jabhat al-Nusrah li-Ahl al-Sham (Eng: The Front for the Protection of the People of the Levant) announced via social networking websites that it is withdrawing from the Aleppo Sharia Council due to internal disputes with other members. Continue reading

‘Syrian crisis: Implementation of Homs truce delayed for logistical reasons,’ BBC Arabic (London), 6 May 2014

Reports out of Syria say that the implementation of a truce and the exit of fighters from the Old City of Homs has been delayed. Continue reading

‘Syrian regime accused of chemical attack on Harasta,’ Al-Jazeera (Qatar), 11 April 2014

Almost eight months after the deadly chemical weapons attack perpetrated by the Syrian regime, which led to over 1000 deaths, activists are reporting another attack using poisonous gasses in the town of Harasta in the Rif Dimashq governorate. The August 21st, 2013 attack led the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to begin a program for the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles, but regime forces have continued to strike opposition-held towns and cities hard with barrel bombs. The regime says it maintains its commitment to destroying its chemical weapons. Continue reading

‘Islamic Front announce death of ‘Da’ish’ leader in Saraqeb’, al-Arabiyya (UAE), 15th January 2014

The Free Syrian Army have undertaken victories in the Idlib countryside around Aleppo against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, know in Arabic by the acronym Da’ish (Dawat al-Islam fi al-Iraq wa ash-Shams).

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1873 Palestinian refugees have been martyred in Syria since the beginning of events until the end of last year, Al-Quds (Palestine), 3 January 2014

Since the outbreak of the civil war in Syria, nearly 2000 of Syria’s Palestinian refugee population have been killed.

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‘Observatory: 517 dead including 151 children in air strikes on Aleppo and the surrounding countryside in two weeks’, Akhbar al-Khaleej (Bahrain), 29th December 2013

The Syrian Observatory of Human Rights has released a statement stating that at least 517 people have been killed in air raids on Aleppo and its surrounding countryside in the last two weeks.

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Washington Post: Syrian army continues its advance against the armed opposition around Damascus and in the north of the country ahead of peace talks, Al-Quds (Palestine), 16 November 2013

The Washington Post has published a report detailing recent Syrian regime army gains in Damascus and northern Syria against the armed rebellion. These victories have raised questions about whether the opposition can be convinced to participate in Geneva II peace talks.

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Regime forces control the strategic city of As-Safira, SOHR (Syria), 31 October 2013

القوات النظامية تسيطر على مدينة السفيرة الاستراتيجية‎

محافظة حلب
المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان

سيطر مقاتلو الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام على حاجز للواء مقاتل على طريق الكاستيلو بعد اشتباكات عنيفة دارت بين الطرفين  واعتقلت 7عناصر من الحاجز فيما اقتحم مقاتلو الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام بلدة حيان واعتقلت عناصر من لواء مقاتل اخر من منزلهم  كما  تدور اشتباكات عنيفة بين القوات النظامية ومقاتلي الكتائب المقاتلة على جبهة اكثار البذار في حي الميدان  وبالقرب من شارع النيل  ترافق مع قصف الكتائب المقاتلة تمركزات القوات النظامية بقذائف الهاون في حي الميدان وانباء عن قتلى وجرحى في صفوف القوات النظامية  في حين اعطبت الكتائب المقاتلة ثلاثة اليات للقوات النظامية على اطراف حي العامرية متجهة الى بلدة رسم عسان وانباء عن قتلى وجرحى في صفوف القوات النظامية  وسيطرت  القوات النظامية على  مدينة السفيرة الاستراتيجية بشكل شبه كامل بعد  اشتباكات وقصف عنيف  بكافة  انواع  الاسلحة لعدة ايام  وانسحاب الكتائب المقاتلة من المدينة


Regime forces control the strategic city of As-Safira

Aleppo Province

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) took control of the blockade of a brigade after violent clashes between the two sides and arrested seven members of the blockade. Meanwhile, ISIS fighters stormed the town of Hayyan and arrested members of another brigade in their home. There were also violent clashes between regime forces and combat brigades on the front lines in the main square and close to Nile Street. These were accompanied by shelling, by troupes against regime forces in the main square. There were reports of deaths and injuries on the side of the regime forces while brigades destroyed three regime tanks on the outskirts of Amriya, heading towards the town of Rasam Asan, as well as reports of deaths and injuries amongst regime forces. Reports show that regime forces had almost completely captured the strategic city of As-Safira after clashes and violent shelling with all types of weapons for several days and the withdrawal of armed brigades from the city.

Translated by Kevin Moore.

Report available from Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.