Tagged: chemical weapons

‘Asad’s regime transports various weapons to Hezbollah’s strongholds in Lebanon’, al-Moslim.net, 20th April 2014

Al- Asad aims to open a strategic road in hopes of getting various weapons to Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon according to opposition sources.



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‘Syrian Chemical Weapons: Damascus has handed over 80% of its supply’, BBC Arabic (London), 19th April, 2014

Sigird Kaag, the president for the Organisation to Remove Chemical Weapons in Syria, has stated that the Syrian government has given up 80% of its stockpile of chemical weapons.

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‘Syrian regime accused of chemical attack on Harasta,’ Al-Jazeera (Qatar), 11 April 2014

Almost eight months after the deadly chemical weapons attack perpetrated by the Syrian regime, which led to over 1000 deaths, activists are reporting another attack using poisonous gasses in the town of Harasta in the Rif Dimashq governorate. The August 21st, 2013 attack led the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to begin a program for the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles, but regime forces have continued to strike opposition-held towns and cities hard with barrel bombs. The regime says it maintains its commitment to destroying its chemical weapons. Continue reading

France prepared to offer its experience to destroy Syrian chemical weapons, Al-Quds (London), 19 November 2013

France has offered its expertise to assist the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to destroy Syria’s remaining chemical weapons arsenal. France, along with Albania and Belgium, have refused to accept the weapons themselves on their territory.

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Washington Post: Syrian army continues its advance against the armed opposition around Damascus and in the north of the country ahead of peace talks, Al-Quds (Palestine), 16 November 2013

The Washington Post has published a report detailing recent Syrian regime army gains in Damascus and northern Syria against the armed rebellion. These victories have raised questions about whether the opposition can be convinced to participate in Geneva II peace talks.

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‘al-Mo’alam confirmed Damascus’ refusal of any ‘partial report’ to UN inspectors’, as-Safiir (Lebanon), 30th August 2013

المعلم يؤكد رفض دمشق أي “تقرير جزئي” لمفتشي الامم المتحدة

أكد وزير الخارجية السوري وليد المعلم في اتصال مع الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون أن دمشق ترفض أي “تقرير جزئي” يصدر عن الأمانة العامة للأمم المتحدة قبل انجاز البعثة الدولية بشأن الاسلحة الكيميائية مهامها والوقوف على نتائج التحاليل المخبرية للعينات التي جرى جمعها من قبل البعثة والتحقيق في المواقع التي تعرض فيها الجنود للغازات السامة والتي طلبت الحكومة السورية من الأمين العام التحقيق فيها.

(“التلفزيون السوري”)

As-Safiir live feed: 30.08.2013, 14:50pm GMT at As-Safiir.



‘al-Mo’alam confirm Damascus’ refusal of any ‘partial report’ to UN inspectors’

As-Safiir live feed: 30.08.2013, 14:50pm GMT

The Syrian Minster of Exterior, Walid al-Mo’alam  confirmed in a call with the United Nations General Secretary Ban Ki Moon that Damascus refuses any “partial report” issued by the UN General Secretary before completion of the international mission on the issue of chemical weapon functions. Damascus stands by results of expert analysis of the sample which was collected by the mission to investigate the  sites that exposed soldiers to poison gases, which the Syrian government requested General Security to investigate.

(Syrian Television)

Translated by Robert Forster