Tagged: Al-Nusra Front

‘Explanatory statement about rumours of Jabhat al-Nusra’s announcement of an Islamic Emirate,’ 12 July 2014

The extremist group Jabhat al-Nusra (JaN), al-Qaeda’s official affiliate in Syria, reportedly declared an Islamic Emirate, two weeks after the rival Islamic State (IS) announced the establishment of a Caliphate. In the following statement, JaN explains the current situation surround rumours of its declaration. Continue reading

‘First Saudi list of terrorist organizations includes Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Nusra Front and ISIS,’ BBC Arabic (London), 7 March 2014

Saudi Arabia has released its first ever list of terrorist organizations, which includes both domestic and external groups. The Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria and the Al-Nusra Front, who are both fighting in Syria, were included in the list, as was the Muslim Brotherhood, a decision which garnered praise from the current Egyptian government. The Saudi Interior Ministry also set a 15-day deadline for Saudi nationals fighting abroad to return to the Gulf kingdom, or face consequences ranging from 3-20 years in prison. Continue reading

‘What is “ISIS?,”’ an-Nahar (Lebanon), 7 January 2014

The Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria

This report from an-Nahar discusses the of the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria organization in the current conflict in Syria. The report marks their transition from Iraq to fighting in Syria under the leadership of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as well as their activities during the conflict and interactions with other armed groups in the country.

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America seeking to understand the preferable Islamists in Syria and communicate with them, Al-Arabiya (Dubai), 5 December 2013

Spokespeople for United States confirmed that America is in direct talks with some Islamist opposition groups fighting against Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria. Officials claim they are only talking to groups with no ties to Al-Qaeda, ruling out any American connection to the Al-Nusra Front. They confirmed that American aid goes directly to the Supreme Military Council of the FSA and no other actor.

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Washington Post: Syrian army continues its advance against the armed opposition around Damascus and in the north of the country ahead of peace talks, Al-Quds (Palestine), 16 November 2013

The Washington Post has published a report detailing recent Syrian regime army gains in Damascus and northern Syria against the armed rebellion. These victories have raised questions about whether the opposition can be convinced to participate in Geneva II peace talks.

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‘Announces consolidation of 9 operations commands in Damascus’, Liberation of the Islamic Levant (Syria), 5th November 2013

انطلاقا من قوله تعالى “”إن الله يحب الذين يقاتلون في سبيله صفا كأنهم بنيان مرصوص”

تم تشكيل غرفة العمليات الكبرى في دمشق وريفها والتي تضم غرف العمليات التالية:
– غرفة جند الملاحم في الغوطة الشرقية
– غرفة جوبر
– غرفة المليحة
– غرفة عمليات أمجاد الإسلام في عربين
– غرفة عمليات حرستا
– غرفة الرابطة الإسلامية في جنوب دمشق
– غرفة عمليات داريا والمعظمية
– غرفة تحالف الراية الواحدة في الغوطة الغربية
– غرفة الزبداني

تحالف الراية الواحدة



Formation of big operations commands in Damascus and surrounding countryside

From the verse, “God loves those who fight in the process described as if they were a solid cemented structure.”

Major operation commands have been formed in Damascus and the surrounding countryside, including the following commands.
– Command of the Soldiers of Legend in Eastern Gota.
– Jobar Command
– al-Maliha Command
– Operations command of Glory of Islam in Irbeen
– Operations command of Harasta
– Command of the Muslim Legue in South Damascus
– Operations command of Darya and Al-Mazemih
– Command of the Alliance flag in Gota Bank
al-Zabadani Command

Available from: http://www.ahraralsham.com/?p=3582

Al-Nusra Front: Statement No. 398, Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syria), 15 September 2013

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

جبهة النصرة – البيان رقم 398

ضمن سلسلة غزوات العين بالعين
الهجوم على قرى مكسر الحصان وجب الجراح والمسعودية النصيرية
ودكها بوابل من القذائف والصواريخ
في الريف الشرقي لحمص

الحمد لله الملك المتعال، الذي أمرنا أن نحكم بين الناس بالعدل، وشرع لنا الرد على الاعتداء بالمثل، والصلاة والسلام على الضحوك القتال، نبيِّنا محمَّد صلى الله عليه وسلم، وعلى جميع الصحب والآل، أمَّا بعد؛

ثأرًا لأبناء المسلمين ونسائهم الذين قتلوا بدم بارد في الغوطة الشرقية، واستجابةً لأمر الفاتح/ أبي محمد الجولاني -حفظه الله-؛ هبَّ إخونكم في جبهة النصرة -أعزَّها الله- بالاشتراك مع حركة أحرار الشام الإسلامية للهجوم على قرى مكسر الحصان وجب الجراح والمسعودية النصيرية في الريف الشرقي لحمص ومحاولة اقتحامها، وتقع هذه القرى بجوار قرى أهل السنة التي دائمًا ما يصيبها القصفَ من هذه القرى النصيرية والحواجز المتمركزة على مشارفها، ناهيك عن الاعتقالات العشوائية لأبناء السنة الأحرار

فأعد الإخوة العدة واتخذوا القرار، وتوكلوا على العزيز الجبار؛ وبعد أن قاموا بالرصد وجهزوا عتادهم، اجتمع فيهم المسؤول الشرعي وخطب وحرض على قتال النصيريين أعداء الله، فانطلق الإخوة في الساعة 3:30 من فجر يوم الثلاثاء 4 من ذي القعدة 1434هـ، الموافق 10/ 9/ 2013 واتخذوا مواقعهم في انتظار إشارة البدء بالاقتحام، وما هي إلا ساعة حتى تمكن الإخوة في محور مكسر الحصان من دخولها والسيطرة عليها بعد تمشيطها، بالتزامن مع المحاور الأخرى حيث قام المجاهدون بدك قرية جب الجراح وبلدة المسعودية بالهاونات عيار 120مم، وصواريخ (غراد) ومدفع 57مم و23مم، بالإضافة إلى صواريخ محلية الصنع

وقد تمكَّن الإخوة -ولله الحمد- من السيطرة على مكسر الحصان لمدة 10 ساعات ولكن نتيجة للقصف الشديد والأرتال الكبيرة التي آزرتهم من منطقة المخرم الفوقاني، اضطر الإخوة للتراجع إلى مواقع الرباط الاعتيادية بعد أن دمروا جب الجراح والمسعودية بالهاوانات وقذائف 57مم ولله الحمد

وقد كان من نتائج الغزوة مقتل أكثر من 30 من النصيرية واغتنام 10 بنادق روسية والعديد من الذخيرة والسيارات والمعدات، وكان من بين القتلى قائد المؤازرة المقدم/ رائد الحسن في مكسر الحصان، وقد كُسر حاجز الخوف عند الناس حيث أنها المرة الأولى التي تُقتحم فيها هذه البلدات ويُقتل منهم هذا العدد، ولله الفضل والمنَّة

Al-Nusra Front: Explaining the plan for the invasion to the brothers.

Al-Nusra Front: Observing the village of Maksar al-Husan

Al-Nusra Front: Observing the village of Jeb al-Jarrah.

Al-Nusra Front: The invaders just before setting off to invade the Alawite villages.

Al-Nusra Front: Observation of the army barrier at the beginning of the village of Al-Masaudia.

Al-Nusra Front: Shelling of the Alawite villages with a 23 mm cannon.

Al-Nusra Front: Shelling of the Alawite villages with a 57 mm cannon.

Al-Nusra Front: Storming of the viallage of Maksar al-Husan.

Al-Nusra Front: Rising plumes of smoke from the village of Jeb al-Jarrah.



In the name of Allah, the Most Genevolent, the Most Merciful
There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Messenger
Al-Nusra Front
Statement No. 398

Series of eye for an eye invasions
The attack on the Alawite villages of Maksar al-Husan, Jeb al-Jarrah and Al-Masaudiah and their devastation by a barrage of shells and missiles in the eastern countryside of Homs.

Thank God, the Most High, who commanded us to govern the people with justice, and started for us the response to the assault likewise. Prayers and peace be upon the constant fighting,  upon our prophet Mohammed (SAAS) and upon all his righteous companions.

In revenge for the Muslim sons and their women who were killed in cold blood in East Ghouta, and in response to the command of Al-Fateh / Abu Mohammed Al-Julani – God preserve him – and grant your brothers in Al-Nusra Front – God cherish them – in conjunction with the Ahrar ash-Sham Movement to attack the villages of Maksar al-Husan, Jeb al-Jarrah and Al-Masaudiah Al-Nasiriah in the eastern countryside of Homs and attempt to storm them. These villages are located in the vicinity of the villages of Sunnies, who are constantly being injured by bombings from these Alawite villages and the barriers stationed at their outskirts. Not to mention the indiscriminate arrests of free Sunnis.

The brothers prepared equipment, made the decision, and trusted Al-Aziz Al-Jabaar; after undertaking observation and stocking their equipment, the legitimate official gathered with them, spoke to them and incited them to fight the Alawites, the enemies of God. The brothers set off at 3:30 AM Tuesday, November 4, 1434 AH (October 9 2013 BC), and took their positions, waiting for the signal to begin the invasion. It was only an hour until the brothers managed to reach the centre of Maksar al-Husan and control it after combing through it in, while other groups of mujahideen simultaneously demolished the village of Jeb al-Jarrah and the town of Al-Masaudiah with 120 mm mortars, Grad rockets, 57 mm and 23 mm cannons, in addition to handmade rockets.

Thanks be to God, the brothers managed to control Maskar al-Husan for 10 hours but as a result of heavy shelling and the large convoys which strengthened the opposition in the region of Mukharram al-Fawqani, the brothers were forced to retreated to their routine positions after destroying Jeb al-Jarrah and Al-Masaudiah with mortars and 57 mm shells, thanks be to God.

As a result of the invasion, more than 30 Alawites were killed, 10 Russian rifles, much ammunition, equipment and several vehicles were seized. Among the dead were commander Raed al-Hussein in Maskar al-Husan. The barrier of fear among the people was broken when, for the first time, these villages were stormed and people were killed in this number, praise be to God.

Translated by Kevin Moore.

Statement available here.

‘Kurdish fighters seize Syrian border post from armed opposition group,’ BBC Arabic, 10 October 2013

مقاتلون أكراد يستولون على موقع حدودي سوري من جماعة مسلحة معارضة

أعلن المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان المعارض، أن مسلحين أكراداً استولوا على معبر اليعربية وهو موقع سوري على الحدود مع العراق في ساعة مبكرة من صباح السبت، بعد اشتباكات استمرت ثلاثة ايام مع الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام وهي جماعة مسلحة على صلة بتنظيم القاعدة

وكانت الجماعة الاسلامية المسلحة قد انتزعت المعبر من الجيش السوري منذ مارس/ آذار الماضي

كما قال المرصد إن 40 شخصا قتلوا في تفجير سيارة ملغومة خارج مسجد في وادى بردى في محافظة دمشق أمس الجمعة

وذكرت الوكالة العربية السورية الرسمية للانباء ان “عددا من الارهابيين” قتلوا إثر الانفجار ونقلت عن شاهد عيان قوله ان مدخلي المسجد انهارا جراء الانفجار الذي وقع قبل انتهاء صلاة الجمعة

وكانت الانباء قد تضاربت بشأن مقتل زعيم جبهة النصرة حيث بث التلفزيون السوري الجمعة نبأ مفاده أن زعيم جبهة النصرة ابو محمد الجولاني، التي اعلنت مسؤوليتها عن عدد من التفجيرات الانتحارية، قد قتل

إلا أن المعارضة نفت مقتله

ونقل المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان عن قيادي في المعارضة السورية المسلحة أنه يعتقد أن الجولاني “على قيد الحياة وبصحة جيدة

كما أوضح المرصد أن قيادات بارزة بجبهة النصرة نفوا لنشطاء في اللاذقية الأنباء الواردة حول مقتل الجولاني، بحسب ما ذكرته وكالة أسوشيتد برس



Kurdish fighters seize Syrian border post from armed opposition group

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that Kurdish gunmen seized the Al-Yabiriyya border crossing, located on the Syrian border with Iraq, in the early hours of Saturday morning. The point was seized after three days of clashes with the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria, an armed group linked to Al-Qaeda.

The armed Islamist group had held the crossing from the Syrian army since last March.

The Observatory also said that 40 people were killed in a car bombing outside of a mosque in Wadi Barada in the province of Damascus yesterday.

The official Syrian Arabic news agency told outlets that “a number of terrorists” were killed after the explosion, and quoted an eyewitness as saying that the two entrances to the mosque collapsed in the blast, which occurred before Friday prayers finished.

There were conflicting reports about the death of a leader of Al-Nusra Front, when Syrian state television broadcast on Friday the news that Al-Nusra Front leader Abu Mohammed Joulani, who claimed responsibility for a number of suicide bombings, had been killed.

However, the opposition has denied his death.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that Syrian armed opposition leadership believes that Joulani is “alive and in good health.”

The Observatory explained that prominent leaders of Al-Nusra Front denied to activists in Lattikia that they had received new about Joulani’s death, according to the Associated Press.

Translated by Kevin Moore

Article available at BBC Arabic.