Tagged: Saharawi

‘Morocco remains silent after questions from British newspaper “The Guardian”,’ Al-Mustaqbal As-Sahrawi (Sahrawi Refugee Camps – Algeria), 28 April 2014

An article published by The Guardian on Sunday discussed a push for British tourists to boycott Morocco over human rights abuses in the Western Sahara. The newspaper approached Moroccan authorities for comment, but received no response. Continue reading

‘French petrol company “Total” renews its licence to prospect for oil in Western Sahara,’ an-Nahar (Lebanon), 7 February 2014

Morocco has renewed French petrol company Total’s licence to prospect for oil off the coast of Moroccan-controlled Western Sahara. Morocco annexed the territory following Spain’s withdrawal in 1975. A UN-brokered ceasefire was reached between Morocco and the Polisario Front, on the condition that a referendum about self-determination be held. No referendum has been held to this day, and supporters of Sahrawi self-determination say that Morocco is strengthening its control over the region by granting oil contracts. The Polisario Front considers the licences granted to French Total and American Kosmos to prospect for oil illegal. Continue reading

Latin America…absolute support for the Saharawi cause, Echorouk (Algeria), 15 November 2013

In its struggle for self-determination and independence from Morocco, the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic in Western Sahara is finding support from Latin American countries, who see their shared history of European colonialism as reason to mobilize for the Saharawi people and their cause.

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