Tagged: European Union

‘Spanish journal: Of Maghreb counties, Morocco exerting the greatest effort toward political and economic modernization,’ Menara (Morocco), 14 May 2014

The European Union considers Morocco to be an important partner, with many trade agreements in place between the two. Although economic relations have been somewhat strained as of late (due to Morocco’s hesitancy in re-opening its waters to European fishermen, and the EU’s reluctance to grant Moroccan produce preferential tariffs), Morocco is still viewed as the North African country moving towards political and economic modernization at the fastest pace. Continue reading

‘Libya warns Europe about death boats,’ Al-Bayane Al-Youm (Morocco), 12 May 2014

Libya’s Interior Minister has warned the European Union that if assistance is not provided to help deal with the influx of sub-Saharan asylum seekers, Libya will “facilitate” their crossing into Europe. Thousands of asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants have died making the crossing from North Africa to Europe in so-called “death boats.” Continue reading

‘EU praises Mauritania’s efforts to combat terrorism,’ Essirage (Mauritania), 8 May 2014

European Union and Mauritanian officials met on Tuesday to discuss renewing the fishing agreement and expanding relations. During the meeting, EU officials praised Mauritanian efforts to create stability in the lead-up to presidential elections. Continue reading

‘Morocco expecting significant decline in grain harvest,’ Al-Jazeera (Qatar), 24 April 2014

Low levels of rainfall is causing the Moroccan Ministry of Agriculture to prepare for a significant decline in this year’s grain harvest, which could hurt growth prospects for the kingdom. Rising global cereal prices, and alterations to EU conditions on imports have hurt Morocco’s economy. Continue reading

‘UNAMID is reducing its forces in Darfur’, al-Ray al-A’am (Oman), 28th August 2013

يونميد – تخفض قواتها في دارفور

28.08.2013 13:43PM

UNAMID Soldier [Source: al-Ray]

UNAMID Soldier [Source: al-Ray al-A’am]

نيالا: الرأي العام:

قررت القوة المشتركة للأمم المتحدة والإتحاد الأفريقي بدارفور (يونميد) خفض قواتها من (19) ألفاً إلى (14) ألف عنصر.

وأكد مسؤول في البعثة أنّ عمليات التخفيض ستستمر حتى يونيو 2014م، وقال بحسب وكالة الأنباء الإماراتية (وام) أمس، إنّ عملية التخفيض لن تؤثر على حماية المدنيين، وأشار إلى أن البعثة ستركز على المناطق المأهولة بالسكان.

وكانت الأمم المتحدة أوصت نهاية أبريل الماضي بخفض عدد الجنود وشرطة (يونميد) بأكثر من (4000) فرد، نتيجة لتحسن الأمن في بعض أجزاء دارفور أمام مجلس الأمن.



UNAMID is reducing its forces in Darfur

28.08.2013 13:43PM

al-Ray al-A’am [The Public View]

United Nations and European Union forces participating in Darfur UNAMID are reducing their forces from 19 thousand to 14 thousand members.

Officials in the mission confirmed that actions to reduce will continue until January 2014, and according to the Emirate news agency (wham) yesterday, actions to reduce will not effect civilians. Referring to that the mission will focus on populated areas.

The United Nations, in front of the Security Council, recommended at the end of last April to reduce the number of soldiers and police (UNAMID) by more than 4000 individuals, with the result to improve security in some parts of Darfur.

Translated by Robert Forster

“Russia plans to supply Syria with anti-aircraft missiles”, Al-Wafd (Egypt), 28th May 2013

‎ روسيا تعتزم تزويد سوريا بصواريخ مضادة للطائرات

S-300 missiles, (al-wafd)
الثلاثاء , 28 مايو 2013 17:11

‎أعلنت روسيا عزمها المضى قدما فى تزويد سوريا بصواريخ إس -300 المضادة للطائرات، وذلك للمساعدة فى ردع التدخل الأجنبى.

‎ونقلت هيئة الإذاعة البريطانية (بى بى سى) اليوم الثلاثاء عن نائب وزير الخارجية الروسى سيرجى ريابكوف قوله إن الصواريخ تعد “عامل استقرار” يمكن أن يثنى من اسماهم ب “المتهورين” من خوض الصراع .

وقد استنكر ريابكوف قرار الاتحاد الأوروبى رفع الحظر المفروض على الأسلحة فى سوريا، ما سيسمح للدول الأعضاء بالاتحاد بتزويد مقاتلى المعارضة السورية بالسلاح، معتبرا أن هذا سيضر بشكل مباشر بفرص عقد المؤتمر الدولى للسلام عن سوريا.
‎اقرأ المقال الأصلي علي بوابة الوفد الاليكترونية



“Russia plans to supply Syria with anti-aircraft missiles”

Al-Wafd, 28th May 2013

Tuesday, 28th May 2013, 17.11pm

Russia announced its determination to move forward in supplying Syria with S-300 anti-aircraft missiles, thereby helping in deterring foreign intervention.

The BBC quoted on Tuesday, the Russian Deputy Minister of Exterior, Sergei Ryabkov, who said that the rockets were “a factor of stability” to dissuade what he called “reckless” contestation of the conflict.

Ryabkov had condemned the European Union decision refusing the ban imposed on arms in Syria, what would allow the EU member states to supply Syrian opposition fighters with arms, considering that this directly hurt the chances of holding an international conference for peace about Syria.

Translated by Robert Forster.

Article from al-Wafd.