Tagged: foreign policy

‘King Mohammed VI developing exceptional Moroccan relations with Africa,’ Middle East Online (London), 15 February 2014

King Mohammed VI of Morocco is preparing to visit to four sub-Saharan countries in an attempt to continue the North African country’s policies towards African countries. Morocco has a number of agreements with sub-Saharan states in different political, diplomatic, economic, social, cultural, religious and humanitarian fields. Continue reading

‘Canada, Israel and the Arabs,’ al-Ittihad (UAE), 2 February 2014

How does Stephen Harper’s Middle East foreign policy line up with historical Canadian policy with regards to the Israel-Palestine issue? al-Ittihad contends that Harper has completely deviated from past policies, and that his unwavering support for Israel has unsettled even some of his conservative support base back home.

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Crown Prince of Bahrain: Washington could lose its influence in the region…Russians are friends who can be relied upon, Russia Today (Russia), 9 December 2013

Bahrain’s Crown Prince warns that America could lose its influence in the Arab world if it does not adjust its current foreign policy in the region. This, combined with Russian efforts in August to stop an American attack on Syria, is pushing Middle Eastern states to closer relations with Russia as an alternative to the US.

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